Barney - Our Emotional Support Dog

Barney is our lovely wellbeing dog who is working in our school as part of an ongoing provision for well being and mental health. Barney lives with Sue Potter our wellbeing mentor and comes into school every day to be alongside the children. |
How has the school planned for Barney?
- A full risk assessment and policy has been written.
- Consent has been sought from all children through Arbor.
- All contact with Barney will be carefully planned and children will not be left
unsupervised with him. - When not working, Barney will be based in the Nurture Room.
What about allergies?
- All areas in school are vacuumed and surfaces are wiped down daily.
- Movement around the school will be controlled.
- Any child working with Barney will wash their hands afterwards.
- Barney is a Poochon. This breed is hypoallergenic.
What are the benefits of a school dog?
In summary academic research has shown that dogs working and helping in the
school environment can achieve the following:
- Improve academic achievement
- Increase literacy skills
- Calming behaviours
- Increase social skills and self esteem
- Increase confidence
- Teach responsibility and respect to all life
- Help prevent truancy
- Motivate children who are often less attentive.
Barney’s Timetable
7.30-8.30 |
I am in breakfast club welcoming in the early children and having my toast for breakfast with the children. |
8.30-9.00 |
I like to be in the playground to say hello to everyone and help the children struggle to come into school |
9.00-9.10 |
I have a little comfort break sometimes the children walk me on the field |
9.10-10.30 |
I am helping with the children who visit the Nurture room for their weekly sessions |
10.30-10.45 |
I have break and a snooze in the Nurture room |
10.45-12.00 |
I help with the children who need some emotional support and I love the hugs and treats they give me |
12.00-1.00 |
I have some rest time during lunch |
1.00-1.30 |
I go for a walk outside school sometimes a child will come with me and Sue. |
1.30-2.45 |
I help support some children either in class or during their lessons |
3.15 |
Home time and sometimes I stay for after school club and have fun with the children in the sports hall. |