Year 6 News
Mrs Paula Stephens, Mrs Raisa Oldroyd and Ms Ella Clayton
Mrs Mihiri E, Mr Johnny Clayton, Miss Serina Walton and Miss Tina St Mannion
Year 6 Information
PE days: Monday and Wednesday
Homework: Given out on Thursday and due back Tuesday
If Homework is not handed in two weeks in a row, your child will be invited to complete it during Homework club one lunchtime.
PE kit:
Please ensure that your child has a full PE kit in school: a navy blue t-shirt, navy shorts, black or navy jogging bottoms and a pair of black PE shoes.
Please ensure that your child has their school kit in school when necessary.
Current Topics:
Science - Evolution and Inheritance
Geography - Why are mountains so important?
Computing - Data Handling
DT - Textiles
French - At school
Music - Dynamics, pitch and texture
RE - How do Buddhists explain the suffering in the world?
PSHCE - Celebrating differences
PE - Netball and Communicating/Tactics
Maths - Fractions
English text - The Nowhere Emporium
In English, we will be writing a diary entry, a non-chronological report and a descriptive write.
2nd September - Inset Day
3rd September - Beginning of Term
28th October - Half Term
4th November - Inset Day
5th November - Return to School
Your child's homework will go home with them each week.
They will be provided with a maths task, a grammar or short writing task and 5 spellings to learn. It is imperative that your child learns their spellings everyday.
Your child will be provided with a homework book to complete their work in.
In addition to homework, please ensure that your child is reading everyday. This can be reading together with a family member, reading a recipe or reading in a quiet space in your home.
Your homework will now be set on Google Classroom. A physical copy of your work is still needed to be handed in each week.